Nov 2024: Delighted to introduce Multiscale Responsive Kinetic Modeling (MsRKM). Congrats Hannah, Ryan, Alex, and kinetic modeling team!!

10/17/2024: Delightful visit to the talented team of lipid researchers at the University of Graz.

08/01/2024: Maxwell He presents his summer REU work (and group pizza party…)

07/28-08/01/2024: Swanson Group attends in mass to Frontiers in Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS 2024)
  • Josh and Pooja present their first posters
  • Ryan, Gabe, and Hannah present posters
  • Hannah invited to present short talk
  • Gabe wins Best Movie contest!

07/21-07/25/2024: Professor Swanson and Jay Braun present at FASEB Lipid Droplet Meeting

07/20-07/26/2024: Gabe and Hannah head to Comp Chem GRC for posters/presentations

07/17-07/19/2024: Professor Swanson presents at the 2024 Cottrell Scholar Conference with a focus on Scientific Communication

07/16-07/20/2024: Professor Swanson co-chairs TSRC Proton Transport in Biology

07/16/2024: Telluride Science Town Talks series continues with Dr. Jessica Swanson. Her subject is titled “Methane: Supercharging Nature’s Solution to Reverse Climate Change.”

06/16-06/21/2024: Professor Swanson presents lipid droplet work at the 2024 Biological Membranes Conference

05/21/2024: Delighted to host Victor Batista for the HEC Theory Seminar!

05/14/2024: Professor Swanson presents pitch for next-gen methanotrophic bioreactors at Wilkes Summit

05/06-05/08/2024: Professor Swanson presents MsRKM at Simons Symposium: Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations

05/02/2024: Delighted to see our second lasso cover in JPCB

04/22/2024: Swanson & Lidstrom Labsmake it to the final round for the Wilkes Center Climate Launch Prize

04/26/2024:  Gabe’s second paper on lasso peptides and our quest to find transferable folding reaction coordinates       Also on Twitter/X Here

4/25/2024: Professor Swanson talks with Katie Mullaly and Lynn Peek from Cool Science Radio about Methanotrophic Bioreactors

02/21/2024: Lasso Peptides make the cover of JACSUofU story


02/20/2024: Lidstrom Group featured for Mission to Mitigate Methane

02/15/2024: Swanson Group attends Bezos Earth Fund Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Removal

02/06/2024: Jessica Swanson welcomed into 2024 class of Cottrell Scholars

01/07/2024: Swanson Group featured in local news: Not a mythical creature, but maybe a planet saver: methanotrophs and climate change

01/04/2024: Jay Braun presents his research to biochemistry department RIP


12/7/2023: Pooja Rao presents 3rd Year research proposal 

12/4/2023: Swanson Group’s Methane Mitigation Research featured in @THEU:

12/4/2023: Wilkes Center Podcast features Swanson Group’s Methane Research:

12/3/2023:  Hannah Burton begins hosting the “Mad Scientist” Pre-K program at the Salt Lake County Library – Whitmore

11/21/2023:  Pooja Rao welcomes BYU students

11/21/2023:  Professor Swanson Seminar @ University of Wisconsin Madison

11/10/2023: Maya Rabbitt presents current undergraduate thesis  to faculty and colleagues

11/9/2023:  Josh Peterson presents 2nd Year Seminar

10/17/2023:  Dr. Swanson speaks at National Academy workshop Methane Removal from Air:

09/12/2023: Gabe da Hora presents a group poster at Annual Bioscience Symposium. Title: Biophysics via Multiscale Molecular Modeling and Simulations (

09/12/2023: Hannah Burton speaks at Annual Bioscience Symposium.
Title: Predicting Protein Behavior with an MKM.

09/2023: Swanson, Lidstrom, Rosenzweig funded by the Carbon Research Technology Foundation

Press Release:


Social Media Links:
Carbon Technology Research Foundation | CtrfoundationUk/status

09/2023: Professor Swanson presents at EMBO Lipid Droplets: Metabolic Hubs in Health and Disease Conference (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain)

08/2023: Professor Swanson presents at Biophysical Society: Proton Reactions: From Basic Science to Biomedical Applications (Tahoe, CA)

08/17/2023: Gabe da Hora delivers an oral presentation on ACS 2023 Fall. Title: Buruli Ulcer Disease: Unveiling Toxin Pathogenicity through Enhanced Sampling Simulations –

07/2023: John Nguyen and Gabe da Hora publish second mycolactone paper in Toxins:

06/2023: Hannah Burton and Gabe da Hora are selected to be Chemistry NSF-REU Student Mentors.

04/24/2023: Pooja Rao presents 2nd Year oral exam

04/20/2023: Tyler Southam receives the Craig & Linda Lee Curie Club Graduate Teaching Award

04/21/2023: Gabe da Hora was interviewed for the Postdoc Highlights page from the Department of Chemistry:

03/25/2023: Hannah Burton gives a presentation at the UofU Mathematical Biology Seminar.
Title: Development of the Multiscale Kinetic Model to describe non-steady-state conditions

03/21/2023: Hannah Burton gives a presentation and receives award for best presenter at the 2023 Graduate Research Symposium – UofU Chemistry.
Title: Multiscale Kinetic modeling explains disparate ion-flux with transmembrane potential.

03/21/2023: Gabe da Hora gives a keynote presentation at the 2023 Graduate Research Conference – UofU Chemistry. Title: Buruli Ulcer Disease: Tracking Toxin Pathogenicity with Enhanced Sampling Simulations

01/21/2023: Hannah presents 3rd year research proposal


11/15/2022: Pooja Rao presents 2nd Year Seminar

11/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Lipids at Wayne State

11/2022: Gabe da Hora and John Nguyen publish first mycolactone paper in Biophysical Journal:

10/10/2022: Tyler Southam presents 3rd year research proposal

09/2022: Hannah Burton receives NSF-GRFP Honorable mention.

09/2022: Jay Braun has his work on sterol ester-rich lipid droplets published in Membranes:

08/2022: Pooja Rao selected for an Honorable Mention in the  PITCH (Program for Interdisciplinary Training in CHemical Biology) Competition

07/2022: Hannah Burton Hosts the University of Utah Youth Chemistry Camp

06/2022: Professor Swanson presents at FASEB Lipid Droplets Conference (Ashville, NC)

06/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Molecular Biophysics of Membranes (Tahoe, CA)

06/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Biological Membranes and Membrane Proteins: Challenges for Theory and Experiment (Santa Fe, NM)

05/2022: Professor Swanson presents at ACS (San Diego, CA)

04/08/2022: Hannah Burton, Jay Braun and John Nguyen  present a poster at the UofU Chemistry Recruiting Poster Session.
Title: Probing the impact of the membrane on the mechanism of transport.

04/22/2022: Tyler Southam presents 3rd year oral exam

03/2022: Hannah Burton presents 3rd year oral exam

02/25/2022;: Gabe da Hora and Myongin Oh receive the Outstanding Evaluator Award at the 2022 Graduate Research Conference – UofU Chemistry

02/23/2022: Hannah Burton presents at the 2022 Graduate Research Conference – UofU Chemistry
Title: Differentiating transmembrane forces for predictive kinetic analysis

05/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Biophysical Society Meeting (San Francisco, CA)

01/01/2022: Hannah Burton accepts role as Coordinator for Henry Eyring Theoretical Chemistry Seminar


11/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Lipids at Wayne State

06/2022: Professor Swanson presents at FASEB Lipid Droplets Conference (Ashville, NC)

06/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Molecular Biophysics of Membranes (Tahoe, CA)

06/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Biological Membranes and Membrane Proteins: Challenges for Theory and Experiment (Santa Fe, NM)

05/2022: Professor Swanson presents at ACS (San Diego, CA)

02/25/2022;: Gabe da Hora and Myongin Oh receive the Outstanding Evaluator Award at the 2022 Graduate Research Conference – UofU Chemistry

05/2022: Professor Swanson presents at Biophysical Society Meeting (San Francisco, CA)


11/2021: Hannah Burton presents 2nd Year Seminar

10/18/2021: Tyler Southam presents 2nd Year Seminar

10/2021: John Nguyen presents 3rd year research proposal

06/24/2021: Hannah Burton presents at Telluride Workshop on Proton Transfer in Biology.
Title: Voltage dependent simulations of Cl-/H+ exchange in ClC

04/2021: John Nguyen presents 3rd Year oral exam


09/07/2020: Gabe da Hora receives 2nd Best Poster Award in the ChemTheo category from the LatinXChemTwitter Conference. Title: Using Metadynamics Simulations to Understand Mycolactone Toxin Membrane Permeation

06/2020: John Nguyen presents 2nd Year Seminar