- How nature ties peptide knots AG Roberts, JMJ Swanson, Nature Chemical Biology (2024).
Nernst Equilibrium, Rectification, and Saturation: Insights into Ion Channel Behavior R Carlsen, H Weckel-Dahman, JMJ Swanson Biophys. J. (2024) 123: 1-12.
Multiscale Responsive Kinetic Modeling: Quantifying Biomolecular Reaction Flux under Varying Electrochemical Conditions H Weckel-Dahman, R Carlsen, JMJ Swanson, J. Chem. Theory Comput. (2024).
Selective binding of MLX to triacylglycerol-rich lipid droplets: Mechanisms of cytosolic localization and proteome regulation JR Braun, JMJ Swanson, (under review, 2024). bioRxiv:
One Descriptor to Fold Them All: Harnessing Intuition and Machine Learning to Identify Transferable Lasso Peptide Reaction Coordinates GCM da Hora, MI Oh, JDM Nguyen, JMJ Swanson, Phys. Chem.B (2024) 128(17): 4063-4075. Cover Story
- Lasso Peptides: Exploring the Folding Landscape of Nature’s Smallest Interlocked Motifs GCM da Hora, MI Oh, MC Mifflin, L Digal, AG Roberts, JMJ Swanson, Am. Chem. Soc. (2024) 146 (7): 4444-4454. Cover Story
- Tld1 is a novel regulator of triglyceride lipolysis that demarcates a lipid droplet subpopulation. Speer NO, Braun JR, Reynolds EG, Swanson JMJ, Henne WM. J Cell Biol (2024) 223 (1): e202303026.
- tICA-Metadynamics for Identifying Slow Dynamics in Membrane Permeation, MI Oh, GCA da Hora, JMJ Swanson, J. Chem. Theory Comput. (2023) 19 (23) 8886-8900.
- Mycolactone A vs. B: Multiscale Simulations Reveal the Roles of Localization and Association in Isomer-Specific Toxicity, JDM Nguyen, GCA da Hora, JMJ Swanson, Toxins 15(8) 486-1-21 (2023). Cover Story
- Can membrane composition traffic toxins? Mycolactone and preferential membrane interactions, GCM da Hora, JDM Nguyen, JMJ Swanson, Biophys. J. 121 4260-4270 (2022).
- Capturing the liquid-crystalline phase transformation: Implications for protein targeting to sterol ester-rich lipid droplets, JR Braun, JMJ Swanson, Membranes 12 949 (2022).
- Computational Studies of Lipid Droplets, S. Kim, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth J Phys. Chem. B—Feature Article 126 2145-2154 (2022).
- Multiscale Kinetic Analysis of Proteins, JMJ Swanson, Curr. Op. Struct. Biol. 72 169-175 (2021). PMCID: PMC9288830
- The CYTOLD and ERTOLD pathways for lipid droplet–protein targeting, MJ Olarte, JMJ Swanson, TC Walther, RV Farese, Trends Biochem. Sci. 47(1) 39-51 (2021).
- Toward a Multi-pathway Perspective: pH-Dependent Kinetic Selection of Competing Pathways and the Role of the Internal Glutamate in Cl–/H+ Antiporters, Z Yue, A Bernardi, C Li, AV Mironenko, JMJ Swanson, J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 7975-7984 (2021).
- Improving the accuracy and convergence of drug permeation simulations via machine-learned collective variables, F Aydin, AEP Durameric, GCA da Hora, JDM Nguyen, MI Oh, JMJ Swanson, J. Chem. Phys. 155, 045101-01-11 (2021).
- Stressed Lipid Droplets: How Neutral Lipids Relieve Surface Tension and Membrane Expansion Drives Protein Association, S Kim, MI Oh, JMJ Swanson, J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 5572-5586 (2021).
- CycFlowDec: A Python module for decomposing flow networks using simple cycles, A Bernardi, JMJ Swanson, SoftwareX 14 (2021).
- The Surface and Hydration Properties of Lipid Droplets, S Kim, JMJ Swanson, Biophys. J. 119, 1958-1969 (2020).
- Determinants of Endoplasmic Reticulum-to-Lipid Droplet Protein Targeting, MJ Olarte, S Kim, ME Sharp, JMJ Swanson, RV Farese, TC Walther, Dev. Cell 54, 471-487 (2020).
- Understanding and Tracking the Excess Proton in Ab Initio Simulations; Insights from IR Spectra, C Li, GA Voth, JMJ Swanson, J. Phys. Chem. B 124, 5696-5708 (2020).
- Dynamic Protonation Dramatically Affects the Membrane Permeability of Drug-Like Molecules, Z Yue, C Li, GA Voth, JMJ Swanson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141 13421-13433 (2019).
- Local Conformational Dynamics Regulating Transport Properties of a Cl-/H+ Antiporter, Z Wang, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth, J. Comput. Chem. 41 (6), 513-519 (2019).
- Mycolactone Toxin Membrane Permeation: Atomistic versus Coarse-Grained MARTINI Simulations, F Aydin, R Sun, JMJ Swanson, Biophys. J., 117, 87-98 (2019).
- Proton Induced Conformational and Hydration Dynamics in the Influenza A M2 Channel, LC Watkins, R Liang, JMJ Swanson, WR DeGrado, GA Voth, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141 11667-11676 (2019).
- Multiscale Kinetic Modeling Reveals an Ensemble of Cl-/H+ Exchange Pathways in ClC-ec1 Antiporter, HB Mayes, S Lee, GA Voth, JMJ Swanson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 1793-1804 (2018).
- Modulating the Chemical Transport Properties of a Transmembrane Antiporter via Alternative Anion Flux, Z Wang, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 16535-16543 (2018).
- Molecular Transport through Membranes: Accurate Permeability Coefficients from Multidimensional Potentials of Mean Force and Local Diffusion Constants, R Sun, Y Han, JMJ Swanson, JS Tan, JP Rose, GA Voth, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 072310-1-11 (2018).
- Computational Means of Assessing Proton Pumping in Cytochrome c Oxidase (Complex IV)”, JMJ Swanson, chapter in Mechanisms of Primary Energy Transduction in Biology, edited by Marten Wikström, Chemical Biology series from Royal Society of Chemistry, (2018).
- Membrane Perturbing Properties of Toxin Mycolactone from Mycobacterium Ulcerans, C Lopez, C Unkefer, BI Swanson, JMJ Swanson, S Gnankaran, PLoS Comput. Biol., 14 (2), E1005972-1-22 (2018).
- Understanding the Essential Proton Pumping Kinetic Gates and Decoupling Mutations in Cytochrome c Oxidase, R Liang, GA Voth, M Wikström, JMJ Swanson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, 5924-5929 (2017).
- Proton Movement and Coupling in the POT Family of Peptide Transporters, J Parker, C Li, A Brinth, Z Wang, L Vogeley, N Solcan, G Ledderboge-Vucnic, JMJ Swanson, M Caffrey, GA Voth, S Newstead, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114 (50), 13182-13187 (2017).
- Acid Activation Mechanism of the Influenza A M2 Proton Channel, R Liang, JMJ Swanson, JJ Madsen, M Hong, WF DeGrado, GA Voth, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 113 (45), E6955–E6964 (2016).
- The Origin of Coupled Chloride and Proton Transport in a Cl–/H+ Antiporter, S Lee, HB Mayes, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138, 14923−14930 (2016).
- Coupling Protein Dynamics with Proton Transport in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II, S Taraphder, CM Maupin, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth, J. Phys. Chem. B, 120, 8389−8404 (2016).
- Multiscale Simulations Reveal Key Features of the Proton Pumping Mechanism in Cytochrome c Oxidase, R Liang, JMJ Swanson, Y Peng, M Wikström, GA Voth, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 113 (27), 7420-7425 (2016).
- Multiscale Simulations Reveal Key Aspects of the Proton Transport Mechanism in the ClC-ec1 Antiporter, S Lee, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth, Biophys. J., 110 (6), 1334-1345 (2016).
- Computationally Efficient Multiscale Reactive Molecular Dynamics to Describe Amino Acid Deprotonation in Proteins, S Lee, R Liang, GA Voth, JMJ Swanson, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12 (2), 879-891 (2016).
- Hydrated Excess Protons Can Create Their Own Water Wires, Y Peng, JMJ Swanson, S Kang, R Zhou, GA Voth, J. Phys. Chem. B, 119 (29), 9212–9218 (2015).
- Multiscale Reactive Molecular Dynamics for Absolute pKa Predictions and Amino Acid Deprotonation, G Nelson, Y Peng, DW Silverstein, JMJ Swanson, J. Chem. Theory Comp., 10 (7), 2729-2737 (2014).
- Multiscale Simulation Reveals a Multifaceted Mechanism of Proton Permeation through the Influenza A M2 Channel, R Liang, H Li, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111 (26), 9396-9401 (2014).
- Benchmark Study of the SCC-DFTB Approach for a Biomolecular Proton Channel, R Liang, JMJ Swanson, GA Voth, J. Chem. Theory Comp., 10 (1), 451-462 (2014).
- Using Force-Matching to Reveal Essential Differences between Density Functionals in Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations, S Izvekov, JMJ Swanson, J. Chem. Phys., 134, 194109-1-14 (2011).
- Intricate Role of Water in Proton Transport through Cytochrome c Oxidase, HJ Lee,*, E Svahn*, JMJ Swanson*, H Lepp, GA Voth, P Brzezinski, GB Gennis, JACS, 132 (45), 16225-16239 (2010) (*co-authors contributed equally to this work).
- The Role of Charge Transfer in the Structure and Dynamics of the Hydrated Proton, JMJ Swanson, Simons, J, J. Phys. Chem. B, 113 (15), 5149-5161 (2009).
- Coarse-Graining in Interaction Space, S Izvekov,*, JMJ Swanson*, GA Voth, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112 (15), 4711-4724 (2008) (*both co-authors contributed equally to this work).
- Proton Solvation and Transport in Aqueous and Biomolecular Systems: Insights from Computer Simulations, JMJ Swanson, CM Maupin, H Chen, MK Petersen, J Xu, Y Wu, GA Voth, J. Phys. Chem. B – Feature Article and Cover, 111, 17 (2007).
- Optimizing the Poisson-Boltzmann Dielectric Boundary with Explicit Solvent Forces and Energies: Lessons Learned with Atom-Centered Dielectric Functions, JMJ Swanson, JA Wagoner, NA Baker, JA McCammon, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 3, 170-183 (2007).
- Coupling Nonpolar and Polar Solvation Free Energies in Implicit Solvent Models, J Dzubiella, JMJ Swanson, JA McCammon, J. Chem. Phys., 124, 084905 (2006).
- Coupling Hydrophobicity, Dispersion, and Electrostatics in Continuum Solvent Models, J Dzubiella, JMJ Swanson, JA McCammon, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 087802 (2006).
- The Entropic Cost of Protein-Protein Association: A Case Study on Acetylcholinesterase Binding to Fasciculin-2, DDL Minh, JM Bui, CE Chang, T Jain, JMJ Swanson, JA McCammon, Biophys. J., 89, L25-L27 (2005).
- Limitations of Atom-Centered Dielectric Functions in Implicit Solvent Models, JMJ Swanson, J Mongan, and JA McCammon, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 31, 14769-14772 (2005).
- Optimized Radii for Poisson-Boltzmann Calculations with the AMBER Force Field, JMJ Swanson, SA Adcock, and JA McCammon, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 3, 484-493 (2005).
- Revisiting Free Energy Calculations: A Theoretical Connection to MM/PBSA and Direct Calculation of the Association Free Energy, JMJ Swanson, RH Henchman, and JA McCammon, Biophys. J., 86, 67-74 (2004).
- Computer Simulation of Water in Cytochrome C Oxidase, X Zheng, D Medvedev, J Swanson, A Stuchebrukhov, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1557, 99-107 (2003).